lessphp fatal error: failed to parse passed in variable @bodyBackground: lessphp fatal error: failed to parse passed in variable @bodyBackground: Stephen Buchmann |


A Michigan Bookstore, Lighthouse and Beach

I was vacationing in northern Michigan for ten days this summer. But, on August 17th there was a special event at The Bookstore in the resort town, and Kay’s hometown, of Frankfort, Michigan. On that afternoon, about 40 friends, relatives and curious passerbys dropped in to meet me and find out about my latest book,…
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AZ Book Launch at Changing Hands

On Thursday, July 23rd, from 7:00 - 8:00 PM, I officially launched my latest book, The Reason for Flowers, at the Changing Hands bookstore in Phoenix, Arizona (300 West Camelback Road). I presented an illustrated slide talk on the five major themes in the book, some examples from the book, a selection of my still…
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A First Birthday

Today I’m celebrating a birthday, not mine, but a bunch of printed words (about 100,000), and I’m their birth mother. The story and creative journey of my eleventh book has ended, at least its gestation. Today, Tuesday July 21st, it officially goes out into the world, to perform on its own, with readers and reviewers…
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